Thursday, March 23, 2017

Eradication of 'Minjok' as the Seeds of Destruction in Korea

Peter Frost writes
I’m less sanguine about South Korea’s future. Twenty years from now, ethnic Koreans will be a minority in the country’s elementary schools. That prediction may seem unbelievable, but demographic replacement can happen very fast in a country where native fertility is close to 1.2 children per woman and where immigration is now mainly from countries where the fertility rate is at least twice that level.
The process is more advanced than what most people think. South Korea does not keep statistics on ethnic origin. Most statistics are about “foreign residents” and that figure is only 3-4%. The term “foreign resident” excludes, however, adult members of the second generation. It also excludes the growing population of undocumented immigrants.
Yes, a little over half of all “foreign residents” are from China, and many of them are ethnic Koreans from Manchuria. But their fertility rate is very low. If you go into South Korean schools, particularly in rural areas, you’ll find that most of the “New Koreans” are of Filipino, Indonesian, or Cambodian origin, with growing numbers of Bangladeshis and Pakistanis. That is the future South Korea we’ll see twenty years from now.
And this is assuming that current immigration flows will remain as they are now. But they won’t. They will shift more and more away from East Asia and towards Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Africa. That is where the pressure for out-migration is strongest.
This change in population policy is recent—essentially since the year 2000—and reflects a profound ideological shift in the thinking of South Korea’s elites. This shift has been described by a Japanese researcher who was puzzled by the growing divergence between South Korea and Japan in terms of immigration policy:
While Japan continues to restrict foreign nationals, in Korea, there has been an opening of opportunities for forces that seek an expansion in the acceptance of immigrants. The influence of the business community. in South Korea informs conservative political parties, while improvements in the treatment of foreigners from a human rights perspective, and the resulting influences of interests calling for the expansion of acceptance are reflected in progressive political parties. [...] the two dominant political parties, conservative and progressive, are actively in favor of accepting foreign workers.
K. Kimura. (2016). Why Do Immigration Policies Differ Between  Japan and Korea? Sociology Study, August 2016, Vol. 6, No. 8, 490‐507 
The key factor seems to be the profound Americanization of South Korean society, particularly at the level of elites in business, the media, and government. These elites are able to manufacture new social norms that are replicated throughout South Korean society, essentially through the desire of citizens to think and behave “normally.” Population replacement thus comes to be seen as something that is not only inevitable but also normal and desirable.
Researchers point to the media, as well as academia and the entertainment industry, as the main tools for reshaping how South Koreans perceive their demographic future:
Mainstream newspapers in South Korea have been a major shaper of the public opinion of diverse groups of immigrants whose presence is becoming increasingly visible in this country with a strong self-image as a mono-ethnic nation. The ways in which these new immigrants, typically lower class, are constructed in public discourses expose the nexus of citizenship, class and ethnicity.
K. Park (2014). Foreigners or multicultural citizens? Press media’s construction of immigrants in South Korea, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37
The result has been a rapid shift in public opinion that I described in my earlier column. Yoon et al. (2008) discussed the results of two surveys, one in 2003 and the other in 2007. To the statement “It is impossible for people who don’ t share South Korean traditions and customs fully to become South Korean”, 55% of the respondents agreed while 23% disagreed in 2003, but in 2007 30.8% of the respondents agreed while 32.9% disagreed. There was also an increase in hostility to public meetings of “ people prejudiced against racial and ethnical groups.” In 2004, 29.6% of respondents felt such meetings “should definitely not be allowed.” By 2007, the figure had risen to 46.5%.
Yoon, I-J.,Y-H. Song, Y-J. Bae. (2008). South Koreans’ Attitudes toward Foreigners, Minorities and Multiculturalism, Paper prepared for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, MA from August 1-4, 2008.
South Korea thus shows us how it is possible to reshape how an entire society sees itself simply by manipulating a limited number of “choke points” where social norms are created and replicated.
Peter Frost 
There simply hasn’t been enough time for there to be much of a second generation.
There is already a large second generation of “New Koreans.” An article in 2011 commented on the phenomenon:
In June, the government announced that the number of children with at least one parent of non-Korean heritage reached 150,000 this year, a number that has increased fourfold over the last four years. They are expected to number over 1.6 million by 2020, with a third of all children born that year the offspring of international unions. Aside from the serious problems of familial and racial discrimination, as well as the high rates of domestic violence already affecting migrant wives, a larger social policy problem brewing is the issue of successfully integrating these children. Due to discrimination, poorer language proficiency, and limited school support, they are facing below national average dropout rates of 20 percent in middle school and 40 percent in high school. This, along with a lack of social capital, suggests these children face a future as the country’s permanent, racialized underclass.
Lim, F.J. (2011). Korea’s multicultural future? New Leaders Forum
A high school dropout in 2011 would definitely be an adult in 2017. I may have misled you by pointing to the year 2000 as the turning point in South Korean policy. That was when the government embraced multiculturalism and global immigration. But the shift in migration flows actually began in the mid-1990s.
If you look at the marriage statistics, 13% involve a foreigner.
The percentage is much higher in rural areas, as the above article notes. And it is in the rural areas where conditions are most conducive to family formation. South Korea’s urban areas are “population sinks” with very low fertility.
I suspect that it might be much harder to go through life as an illegal immigrant in Korea compared to the US or Western Europe.
It’s hard in the sense that they are underpaid, but the wages are still better than what they’d get in their home countries. But enforcement of immigration law has become steadily weaker, largely because of pressure from employers.
In 2001, 77.4% of foreign workers were undocumented [illegal immigrants]. Ever since the “Employment Approval System” was enacted in 2004, the percentage of undocumented foreign workers has been approximately 50% . This number is relatively high compared with that of Japan (32%), Singapore (3%), and Taiwan (7%).
Moon, S. (2010). Multicultural and Global Citizenship in the Transnational Age: The Case of South Korea, International Journal of Multicultural Education, 12, 1-15.
I’d caution against trying to understand Korean culture through reading a bunch of Western academics.
Most of the academics I cited are South Korean (Kimura is Japanese).
TV is exclusively Korean, and all advertisements you see feature either Koreans or whites. How much of a grip can multiculturalism have on a nation if foreign residents are still invisible in the media?
It’s important to distinguish between leading indicators and trailing indicators. When your favorite TV show goes multicultural, the big changes have already long been in place.
What we do have is hard numbers, and they say that there have only been 100,000 naturalizations or so in a country of 50 million. That’s 0.2%. Plus more than half are ethnic Koreans, Chinese, or Japanese. We can speculate on illegal immigrants or huge differentials in birth rates, but we really don’t know how much of a factor any of that is.
The rate of naturalization is relatively unimportant. The children of unnaturalized immigrants are not deported. And we have good data on fertility differentials.
And how big of a problem it is depends on the degree to which you think that kids who are half southeast Asian can assimilate.
Actually, they assimilate fairly well. That isn’t the problem. The problem is that they have trouble meeting the demands of the South Korean educational system. This is why the dropout rate is so high. “New Korean” children do well in subjects that require social interaction with other kids (music, painting, physical education). They do poorly in subjects that require abstract skills, like mathematics.
Peter Frost 
Where do the japanese elite go to school ?
About 99% are educated at Japanese universities.
Japan has very weak cultural linkages with the rest of the world. This is probably a big reason why Japan is not “getting with the program,” at least not like South Korea.
If I ever get back to blogging, I would like to write an update about the situation in South Korea. A lot has happened even over the past year, as noted in this Wiki entry:
Immigration to South Korea is rising quickly due to a recent multicultural policy, with over 220,000 accepted in 2014.[1] This was a 14.1% increase over the previous year – Between 2009 and 2014, the number of immigrants have been rising 9.3% annually. As of August 2016, there are over 2 million foreign immigrants accounting for 4% of the total population.[2]
From 2018, the South Korean government will actively pursue massive immigration to counter the declining working population from 2017. Nearly 5 million immigrants are needed by 2020, 10 million by 2030 and over 17 million by 2060, at which point immigrants will represent over 44% of the total working population.[3]
“Coolness” is a positive quality that has been reconstructed to mean the opposite of what it used to mean. It formerly meant the ability to control your emotions. Today, it means a willingness to let go with your emotions with as little self-control as possible. People used to call that “childishness.”
The same goes for words like “culturally stagnant” and “dysfunctional.” Yes, these words can be used objectively, but if one uses them objectively to rank the different countries of the world, South Korea would not be in the top 10. Or even the top 100.
It bothers me, frankly, that South Koreans are starting to internalize the kind of self-hate that North Americans and Western Europeans have been internalizing. The cause seems to be the same. They’re plugging themselves into the same ideological and cultural system.

Peter Frost may be correct in seeing profound implications in South Korea's rejection of the concept of 'minjok'.  It may become the fatal undoing of the Korean Civilization. After all, some ideas are cancerous and destroys the entire system. 

For one thing, it makes no sense to reconstruct Korean-ness along New World lines. The New World nations were artificial constructs because they were created quickly(by historical time) via massive conquests, imperialism, 'genocide', slave trade, and waves of immigration. Because these nations had shallow roots --- the ancient roots of the indigenous peoples were lost through either ethnic or cultural 'genocide' --- and had to bring together different ethnic groups and races, they couldn't rely simply on ethnicity and historical roots. They needed certain abstract ideas or mass diversions(like consumerism and hedonism) to bind everyone together.  After all, the various Latin American nations have no roots in anything but Spanish Conquest, subjugation of the native peoples, massive race-mixing(which some call 'rape') , and slave trade(from Africa). 

In contrast, a nation like Korea, along with Japan and Vietnam(and European nations), does have ancient roots that bind ethnicity, territory, and history.  Korean-ness is not artificial or 'constructed'. It is a real organic product of history, no less than Japanese-ness, Chinese-ness, or Vietnamese-ness(and Tibetan-ness, even though Tibet has come under the multi-culti-imperialism of China).  Also, Korea wasn't taken from another people(unless we go back to primitive-barbarian times), and Koreans didn't bring in black slaves from Africa.
If there is something artificial about Korea, it is the Division(north vs south), but this wasn't chosen by Koreans themselves but imposed by the Foreign Powers, namely the US(that came up with the idea) and the USSR.  
So, the Korean concept of 'minjok' is true facet of Korea. The Division of North and South isn't.  It would be absurd to model Korea on the New World that came into being by a different historical logic, some admirable and some terrible. What Koreans should be trying to do is rid Korea of the artificial imposition of the Division.  To do this, Koreans need to stress what the North and South have in common despite their political and economic differences. It is the concept of 'minjok'. That is the ONE thing that holds the South and North together.  So, if South Korea rejects the notion of 'minjok' and says anyone can become a 'Korean' or 'New Korean', then it means South Koreans have no special bond or connection with North Koreans. Since anyone --- African, Brazilian, Filipino, Iranian, Indian, Indonesian, etc --- can become 'Korean'(or South Korean), it means South Koreans no longer need to feel any special connection to the North Koreans. If there is no longer any concept of Real Koreans or True Koreans bound by history, blood, and territory --- minjok --- , then Korea is no longer an organic civilization but an artificial civilization no different from Venezuela or Colombia. Then, South Koreans might as well feel closer to non-Koreans than to North Koreans.  
The rise in plastic surgery, hair-dyeing, trashy K-pop, rap-obsession, and intermarriage with foreigners is hastening this rise of the artificialization of Korea.  It is only by the organic 'minjok' concept that South Koreans and North Koreans can still regard each other as One People despite political/economic differences.  Indeed, if South Korean laws now determine what is 'Korean', then North Koreans are no longer Korean since they don't live under South Korean laws. According to the anti-minjok concept of South Korea, an Indonesian who becomes 'naturalized' as a 'new Korean' is more Korean than a North Korean. (The reason why West Germany united with East Germany was because both shared the same ethnicity and culture. East Germany was happy to move away from Soviet Empire and rejoin the national family. After all, it chose to unite with West Germany than with Czechoslovakia or Hungary. Why? Germans should go with Germans. This was possible because the concept of German People still existed at the time of the unification. But Germany is going down the drain because Germans got rid of the notion of German by blood. So, that crazy woman Merkel decided to invite millions of non-Germans to be 'new Germans', and this is fraying the social fabric of Germany.  An organic nation has to be maintained on real foundations, not fantasies.) 

Considering that the forced division of Korea was a historical crime, one would think South Koreans would do everything to preserve the organic concept of minjok to hasten the unification of the Korean people of north and south. But South Korean elites(educated in America) and Korean-Americans(severed from Korean roots and intoxicated with Political Correctness, Pop Culture, and New World-centrism) are going out of their way to make sure that the division becomes permanent. As South Korea fills up with 'New Koreans' with no ethnic and historical roots in Korea, these people will not identify with Korean history, ancestry, and culture. Like the Africans and Muslims in France and Netherlands, they will just indulge in pop culture and hedonism. And the 'New Koreans' will certainly not identify with North Koreans. These 'new Koreans' will just see North Koreans as 'old Koreans', with whom they have nothing in common.  Of course, the Zionist-globalist controlled US is happy to see South Korea abandon its concept of 'minjok'. That way, as South Korea becomes more 'diverse', its population will identify less and less with North Koreans, and the division of Korea imposed by the US will become tragically permanent. And then, the US empire can own South Korea as its Puerto Rico forever as a military base against China. And of course, Korean-Americans, who know or care little of their homeland, and grew up on 'cool' American culture & identify mainly with blacks-homos-and-Jewish-globalists, will serve as collaborators of US globalism. They will compete for approval from the Globo-masters by excoriating the 'less evolved' South Koreans to get with the program.  In their view, the West is superior and 'more evolved' in everything, and Asia, forever inferior, must always follow, imitate, and obey the West in order to be 'liberal democracies'.  But then, it seems a recurrence of a pattern among these people. After all, many Koreans served the Japanese Empire the same way during colonization. In order to turn Korea into part of the Greater Japanese-Asian Empire, they tried to persuade Koreans to give up their concept of 'minjok' and join with the grand plan of Japan. Koreans seem to lack agency and autonomy of thought.  They need others to show the way, and they follow. 

Anyway, the concept of 'minjok' is more important than ever. Why?  In the past, people didn't need concepts since they practiced their culture in the very fabric of their lives.  Vast majority of Koreans in the past lived in Korea and only in Korea. And most worked on farms, just like most Europeans lived and worked on farms prior to the industrial age. So, even if most Koreans were dirty, ignorant, and uneducated, they lived and practiced Korean-ness day in and day out. They may not have been politically or nationally conscious of Korean-ness(except when it was made obvious by external invasion by, say, the Japanese). But they worked on the farm on which their parents also toiled, lived, and died. Their parents were buried on the farm, and after they died, they too were buried there, and their graves were tended by their children who also worked and died on the farm and etc. So, each piece of land became rich in ancestry, heritage, and customs. Back then, there was no need for the concept of 'minjok' since Koreans lived, breathed, and died in a world of ethnicity, ancestry, customs, and tradition. In fact, they couldn't escape it even if they wanted. 

But then came the colonization that uprooted many Koreans as Japanese began to grab lots of territory and remake the country as a part of Japan's globo-empire. The war also uprooted millions of people, especially from North to South. And then industrialization sent many farmers to the cities(like happened on a massive scale in China since the late 80s). So, people were cut off from their ancient practices, customs, traditions, and livelihoods. They lived in the alienating world of cities, and they had to move from job to job. Also, they might not be able to return to the countryside to visit their parents and relatives very often. 
So, in order to keep an identity and culture together in this hectic and chaotic world, there was a need for a national concept, and that was 'minjok'.  With that idea, Koreans could still maintain a sense of ethnos and history despite their detachment, likely permanent, from the farmland on which their ancestors had toiled for eons. The massive industrialization of Korea meant that an agricultural people with deep ties to the soil were uprooted and sent to the cities where they were often lost, confused, and alienated, as well as excited, thrilled, and fascinated(as cities offer more choices  and freedoms). This massive displacement threatened and subverted one's sense of identity, memory, and tradition. 
Also, the division of Korea by US and USSR meant that Koreans were cut off from one another. Those in the North who migrated south were cut off from their relatives and fellow Koreans in the North. And those who went from South to north were cut off and separated from relatives and countrymen in the South. So, given all of these massive displacements, the only way Koreans could still be held together as a people culturally and ethnically was by the concept of 'minjok'.  And as long as South Korea held onto the concept of 'minjok', they felt a strong sense of blood ties to the North with a sense that despite ideological and economic differences, South Koreans and North Koreans were one people, brothers and sisters by the skin and under the skin.  

South Korea betrayed this because the globalists who collaborate with the US flushed away the concept of minjok.  Though it seems like a simple legal matter, it has profound implications and repercussions since it means that there is no core history, ethnicity, and identity that bonds South Koreans and North Koreans together. It says South Koreans should just fish for 'new Koreans' from non-Korean nations. Also, South Koreans should persuade other Asians to abandon their own rich identities and cultures to become 'Korean'.  This way, South Koreans lose their unique identity, and foreign immigrants are urged to surrender their own ancient identities. It's all a globo-gimmick where nationalities are traded like baseball cards. (It also says South Koreans have no special obligation or duty to their nation, people, or culture. It's okay if any number of Koreans just want to leave permanently, abandon Korean identity, and instantly become something else... like 'American', 'Canadian', 'New Zealander', or 'Frenchman'. Or even 'Filipion'.  200o yrs of identity tossed away overnight to take on new identities like t-shirts.) 
South Koreans may be mimicking New World nations that were created artificially. And they may be aping Europe that has lost its sense of roots and identity in imitation of all-things-American. Because of the Holocaust Narrative, the new idea in the West is that any sense of ethnic nationality is evil because Nazism was about blood-and-soil. (But then, Jews sure make Europeans support Israel as a blood-and-soil nation.) But such a view is all crazy and misguided.  It wasn't nationalism that led to WWI and WWII. It was imperialism, the disrespect of nationalism by the aggressive powers. Germans violated Polish nationalism. Soviets violated Lithuanian nationalism. Indeed, it was nationalism that resisted imperialism and ended Western Imperialism in the Third World, and it was nationalism that finally led to the dissolution of the Soviet Empire. Hungarians, for instance, wanted to be free of the Soviet yoke. And today, we have globalism as the New Imperialism seeking to weaken and subvert the borders and identities of all peoples. 

Now, Koreans may have rejected the concept of 'minjok' because they were told that it is 'racist' and 'exclusive' by the globalist-imperialists who dominate the US.  But this is absurd. What applies to the New World doesn't apply to the Old World.  After all, New World nations were created by imperialism, slave trade, rape, genocide, conquest, and etc.  This wild diversity was brought about by powerful cataclysms of clash of civilizations and forced or voluntary displacements of peoples.  Because the natives didn't ask to be conquered and because blacks didn't ask to be shipped over slaves, the whites who rule the New World had to accommodate them. So, an idea of ethnic particularity doesn't work well in the New World since the land was taken from the natives and created by violent movements of people by conquest, slave trade, and immigration. 

In contrast, Koreans can claim total ownership of Korea since it is their land. They didn't take it from others. And they owe nothing to blacks since Korea didn't forcibly import a single black slave. And other Asian peoples have their own nations, indeed ones much bigger than Korea, a very small nation. So, it is stupid for Koreans to feel that they have some moral obligation to 'include' others in Korea, especially since their nation is so small. Koreans historically owe NOTHING to other peoples since Koreans never conquered anybody. 
It seems a kind of globo-hubris has overtaken Koreans who now want their small nation(or more precisely a small divided nation) into a mirror image of all of Asia or all the world?  This obsession with globalism seems to have gone to the silly heads of Koreans, especially the elites that collaborate with the US empire. 
They have this ridiculous dream of making Korea into the Global Hub, the center of the world. A rabbit should be content to be a rabbit. A rabbit that tries to swallow an elephant will die. Instead of this globo-madness, South Korea should just try to be a good nation among other nations trading with other nations and being nice and peaceful and mutually respectful. And it should avoid ANYTHING that makes the reunification of the two Koreas more difficult.  This Division was forced.  It was done by the US that never acknowledged its responsibility for it or for the deaths of millions by a war triggered by horrible US and USSR policies. And yet, South Koreans and Korean-Americans, stupid and childish, just swallow a lot of Political Correctness and try to remake South Korea into something like California. 

Don't these idiots know that California is an artificial creation, an experiment in progress? It was taken from Indians by Mexicans, taken from Mexico by Anglo-Americans, and is now being retaken by Mexicans. It has tons of black crime and violence.  Its schools are failing. There is very little social trust. Its diversity had to poisonous divisions, ethnic clashes, and economic inequality that is grimly portentous. And if the future of France is any indication, massive immigration and Diversity sure didn't do wonders for that country.  Old World nation should not remodel itself on New World norms. What works in Mexico doesn't work in Sweden, as the Swedish are finding out. (Indeed, Mexico hardly works because the problems created by Diversity still linger in that country in divided races and classes.) But it seems Koreans are a people who only know how to follow, how to obey, how to seek approval(like dogs) and validation from 'superior' powers.  

Also, the loss of concept of 'minjok' will make class tensions worse. As long as Koreans held fest to the concept of shared blood, oneness, and ethnic unity, there was a powerful sense of unity from the richest Korean to the poorest.  Rich or poor, they were part of a national family. And that had great therapeutic value.  Such outlook meant that rich Koreans should represent and lead all Koreans, even the poorest. And it meant that poor Koreans, even the poorest, should look to rich/powerful Koreans for leadership and make demands for justice. 

But if the concept of 'minjok' is lost, it means Korean elites no longer need to identify with with the Korean masses. They can identify mainly with the rich elites of other nations. And it means they can ignore the Korean masses and bring in tons of foreigners to become 'new Koreans' willing to work for lower wages to undermine the power of Labor. It also means that the intellectual elite class can 'virtue-signal' and feel  smugly superior to all those 'deplorable' Koreans who aren't so 'welcoming' of foreign immigrants as the 'new Koreans'. Of course, the privileged intellectual class of Koreans in colleges and media won't  bear the burden of social tensions caused by new Diversity. They will have their privileged jobs, live in nice neighborhoods, make precious PC noises, and turn up their noses at the ordinary Koreans. They will do all this partly to win the approval of Western elites who now act the same way: precious, preening, and privileged. 

Anyway, by ridding the nation of the concept of 'minjok', South Korea swallowed a poison pill that will be the undoing of the Korean nation. Some ideas are harmless, but some have profound implications. And getting rid of the concept of 'minjok' will prove to be fatal. It's like a doctor who removes something in the body thinking it is no longer important... only to discover that it serves a most important function. 
When Mao decided to get rid of sparrows, he thought he was just getting rid of pests. In fact, he upset the entire ecology of China.  Korean 'progressives' and globalists may have gotten rid of 'minjok' as just an 'atavistic' or 'reactionary' idea --- after all, that was what what they learned from their Western professors & masters --- , but in fact, they got rid of something that is vital and essential to what it means to be Korean and maintain Korea as a civilization(and make possible the unification of North and South Koreas). 

Maybe Koreans are envious of America. They see how the world wants to come to America and become 'American'. In contrast, the world isn't crazy about becoming 'Korean'.  So, how 'cool' would it be if Korean-ness were to be 'Americanized' and if the world could come to Korea and become 'Korean'.  
But only a shallow person would think this way. 
While it is true that Americanism has world-wide appeal, it has become a vapid proposition. What does it mean to be 'American' nowadays? Anyone can come to America, spend 5 yrs to wait for citizenship application, eat fast food, watch TV, and become 'American'.  It may have appeal on the level of the consumer and investor, but it has little historical or cultural value. While the US does have a compelling short history(and still has deeper meaning for Anglos, blacks, and white ethnics), the New America is just a theme park of excess, decadence, vanity, and trashy celebrity.  It takes no effort to be American. That is the appeal ofAmericanism but also its downside. It is shallow. 

In contrast, to be French means to be steeped in history, culture, arts, and philosophy. That is why the French made the best Frenchmen. They were born in France, grew up in France, and identified with France because their ancestors were French. So, they were willing to accept inculcation and immersion is Frenchness in thought, history, habits, and culture. 
But when France 'Americanized' the meaning of French-ness, all these masses of foreigners from Africa and Muslim world arrived and just indulged in Rap music, fast food, and Hollywood movies.  In the past, the non-French gradually trickled into France in small numbers. France could absorb and assimilate them. Also, as French were proud of their culture and demanding in their education, even newcomers became steeped in Frenchness. (Besides, most non-French back then were other Europeans, and so, once assimilated, they were hard to tell apart from native Frenchmen. It's like it's easier for Chinese than for Asian-Indians to blend into Korea. Today, huge numbers of non-white races have arrived in France in the age of consumer-globalism that emphasizes junk culture and has little regard for high culture that defines French-ness. While anyone can become 'American' in no time by watching dumb TV shows and eating hamburgers, it takes yrs of cultivation and education to become properly French.  But the globo-French have given up on their own identity, culture, and history as globalism tries turn everything into AmeriChristmas. 

While South Korean business class wants foreigners and immigrants just to for cheaper labor to exploit, the intellectuals and activists may welcome 'new Koreans' as proof that Korean-ness is so 'cool' and wonderful that even non-Koreans are eager to come to Korea, learn about Korea, and even become 'Korean'. 
Also, what would it mean for a non-Korean to become 'Korean' nowadays when Koreans themselves reject their own racial features, culture, and history? South Korea has allowed foreign-educated homosexuals to take over K-pop and turn young Korean idols into white-wanna-be's and imitators of black ghetto trash culture. Many K-pop stars got plastic surgery to look white. They reject black Asian hair passed down to them by their ancestors. And homosexuals who furbish K-pop urged young boys to put on make-up and get blonde hair to look like white girls. THIS Is the new face and self-image of Korea. THIS is the 'Asian' culture that South Korea projects to other Asian nation: the fantasy of being un-Asian through artificial means. How utterly stupid. So, Koreans reject their own looks and image because they feel ugly, but they expect non-Koreans to come to Korea and become 'Korean' out of respect? Gimme a break. 

But, this is just self-delusion. People are coming from poorer nations just for money. That's it. They don't give a crap about Korean-ness. And people from rich nations are coming just for the women. They just want someone to screw. They don't give a crap about the history or culture except as cultural oddities or museum pieces. 
But deluded Korean elites will believe what they want to believe. Intellectual types often tend to prefer their own delusions and dogmas than reality. 
But since Korea is a society where young people respect the educated classes, the poison idea of anti-minjok-ism will spread fast and plant the seeds of destruction. 
And this will be truly tragic because once a people lose their identity and territory, it's very difficult to get it back. In earlier times, Korea(like Japan, Poland, Germany, China, etc) suffered huge calamities with tremendous loss of life. But it was always able to restore itself because the basic elements of ethnicity, territory, and history remained. So, even if a famine killed off millions, populations could grow again. And even if a war killed off millions, millions more could be born. 
But now... there is the triple whammy of destruction: mass emigration of Koreans to become un-Koreans, low-birth-rates , and mass immigration to be 'new Koreans'. 
So, 2000 yrs of survival flushed away in several decades because Korean elites decided to collaborate with globalism and follow like dogs. 

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