Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lack of Honest Discussion on Korea still dog us in dealing with Korean Crisis


This issue could be resolved much faster if some sensible and conscientious South Koreans and Korean-Americans(and other diaspora Koreans) stepped up to the plate to speak some plain truth.

We can't expect the truth from North Korea, a nation of lies, wrapped in a lie, in a lie.
North Korean Narrative is that the Great Kim liberated Korea from the Japanese but evil American Imperialists got in the way. There is precious little talk of Soviet role in establishing the Kim regime or China's role in bailing out North Korea in the Korean War.
North Korea isn't about nationalism or patriotism. It is about dynasticism of the gross Kims, and any amount of lies will be spun to keep Kims in power.

We can't expect much truth in the US. While there are American scholars who know the historical truth, they have no emotional investment in popularizing it. They just see Korea as a pawn in the game between Japan and China. They are not pro-Korean in the way that Jewish scholars are pro-Zionist. Their main interest in Korea is political and strategic, not national, historical, or cultural. Also, many scholars are little more than shills and hacks for the System caught up in the Global Game. Korea is a pawn, nothing more, just like all the other small nations are pawns and puppets.

As for the US government, they fear the true narrative as much as North Korea does. Neither side wants to admit that North Korea is the product of US foreign policy that requested Soviet entry into North Asia. According to US textbooks and narrative, the division of Korea was just an unfortunate accident of WWII coming to a close... like in Eastern Europe. But this is false. It's true that there was little US could do to save Eastern Europe from the Soviet juggernaut.
But Soviets entered North Asia only because of the request of Americans who could have made it clear that either Soviets take all of Korea or none of it so that Americans will do the job.

FDR's position was for Stalin to take all of Korea. Full stalinization of Korea would have been dire, but it would have led to a united country and there would have been no Korean War that killed millions and divided countless families and still remains a scar.
But after FDR died, Truman went for something terrible. Instead of letting Soviets have all of it or demanding US will deal with all of Korea, US decided to divide up Korean with USSR, thus setting the grounds for all the real war and cold war and other headaches to come. From a political viewpoint, it's terrible enough. From a human cost, it was catastrophic.
But since South Korea is such a compliant ally and good whore, the US wants to maintain the narrative of itself as the Leader of the Free World defending southern half of Korea from the evil of communist tyranny... even though Soviets entered Korea and installed the Kim regime only because the US wanted Soviets to deal with the Japanese. (In retrospect, it would have made more sense for US to arm the Chinese troops and use their manpower to take on the Japanese who were cut off from supplies and on the ropes. But that would have led to a united and empowered China under KMT. Perhaps, even if unconsciously, the West felt it was advantageous to divide Asian nations in half to keep them less powerful. This was done not only to Korea and Vietnam but to China itself. Maybe Americans thought China would remain forever divided between Mao's north and Chiang's South. But Mao had the wherewithal to unite the big country and give aid to Korea and Vietnam to try to do the same. A united nation is more powerful. Yet, ironically, the economic model that led to rise of Asia came from US satellites like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore. History is funny that way. United China and united Vietnam made progress by imitating the satellite puppets of America. Still, their unity gives them long-term stability and power, whereas Korea still aches from the division.)

Anyway, in order to deal with the Korean problem, we need a new narrative, which really do matter as they define the moral balance of parties involved. After all, the Narrative defines white-black relations in America. Whites act the way they do(at a moral disadvantage) because of the history of discrimination. And Jews get a break because of the history of antisemitism. To be sure, there is no single valid narrative. There is also the narrative of bad black behavior that needs to be told. And there is also the narrative of Jewish Abuse of Power that also needs to be addressed. Anyway, narratives do define the present.
In Korea, the current narrative is totally useless since it's filled with lies.
Only a proper narrative can lead to a better understanding and sensible solutions.

First, we must do away with the false narrative of US as noble savior and defender of Korea. US and UK first forced Japan open, and when Japan was willing to join the imperialist game, US and UK tolerated and even endorsed Japan's takeover of Northeast Asia that included Korea. US and UK saw this as a check on Russian power. And they felt flattered that a non-white power was learning from the West and spreading modernization to other benighted lands. (As imperialism does lead to development and improvement in many areas, there was some validity to this.) Japan was okay with US takeover of Philippines, and US reciprocated with Japan's takeover of Korea. There was no American sympathy for Koreans whatsoever except among some Christian missionaries who, however, were willing to work under Japanese colonialism to spread the Gospel. Indeed, even the Christian missionaries saw Japanese rule over Korea as a good thing since Japanese tolerated and allowed some degree of proselytizing, at least until US-Japan relations got really sour. On the other hand, Christian missionaries also gave protection and moral support to many independence activists.

US suddenly took on the role of defender of Asia when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. This role was as odd as the one played by the Japanese. Japanese posed as defenders of Asian brethren while ruthlessly crushing, raping, and pillaging them. Americans posed as saviors of Asian victims of evil Japanese while playing up every anti-Asian stereotype in relation to the Japanese. As most Americans couldn't tell a 'Jap' from a 'gook' from a 'chink', the dehumanization of the Japanese only led to American contempt for other Asians after the war. "They all looked alike" after all, and all ate rice. Unsurprisingly, US policy went from "save a noble Chinaman from the evil Jap" to "Save the polite Japanese from the savage Commie Chink". And save the gooks from the chinks too -- or save the good gooks under Christian Rhee from the bad gooks under Soviet Kim -- , but who can tell which is which, so drop all the bombs left over from WWII on North Korea and let God sort it out.

Yes, US did defend South from the North and eventually China, but US policy created a divided Korea. And US policy played a big part in setting the grounds for the Korean War, especially by signaling that it would not defend South from an attack by the North, which emboldened Stalin, Mao, and Kim. Also, even though war is hell and all sides commit horrors, US bombing of North Korea has to go down as one of the great war crimes of the century. Just how do you drop more bombs on that backward nation than on great industrial powers during WWII? And mostly on civilians?

Historical apologies are useless(and often self-serving) and reparations lead to moral corruption(as with Jews forever demanding free stuff and South Koreans cooking up more excuses to squeeze the Japanese), but acknowledging history is necessary for truth and better policy. And there are too many lies on the Korean issue.

North Korea doesn't want to admit it exists only because of US policy. And if US has anything in common with North Korea, it is on this very matter. US doesn't want to take responsibility as the key player that led to the division of the North that was unnecessary and could have been avoided with better and more insistent US negotiations with Soviets.

Since North Korea and US don't want to deal with the truth, it is left to South Korea, a democracy where people can talk more freely. But even there, the knee-jerk anti-communist pro-American rightists have imposed laws that silence anyone who threatens the Narrative of the US as sacred defender and holy ally of the South against the evil North. There is a reason for this. Due to rightist collaboration with Japanese during colonization, a new Korea would have been led by leftists(if not necessarily communists) who'd resisted the Japanese. As US feared communist takeover, it protected the collaborationist class and put them in seats of power, and these quisling-vichy-ites owe their power and privilege to US protection. Now, it may well be that their rule was actually better for Korea as leftists tend to mess things up economically. But from a historical moral viewpoint, it was an injustice. But as whores who gained everything under US power and protection, this class of people who are still influential in Korea are adamant about invoking National Security to silence or ban anyone who is deemed admiring of North Korea and overly critical of US-Korea ties.

The anti-American forces in South Korea used to be on the Left, but with the total fall of communism and Marxism, the Korean left has degenerated much like the left everywhere. It is now all about homosexual politics and Diversity, thus little more than shills for the globalist enterprise. If the Korean Right is a puppet of the Pentagon, the Korean Left is puppet of Harvard University and MTV. Both are equally worthless. Sort of like the bogus neocon 'right' in the US and the bogus 'left' in the West that both whore out to Globalism but never defend the nation or the native working masses.

So, if North Korea, the US, and even South Korea are unwilling to speak the truth, then who will? Korean-Americans? But most of these shallow clowns are into tattoo, rap culture, bling, and hedonism(if less educated) OR political correctness, homo adoration, and status approval(if more educated). It's been said that having children makes a family more conservative, but this can make it more PC as well. Parents want to protect their kids. One way to protect kids is to ensure their success. So, Asian parents tell their kids to conform to anything associated with power and privilege to gain success. And since PC rules, these kids become the biggest PC morons in the world. Is it any wonder that Asian Americans are among the most 'progressive' robots in America mouthing the same gibberish fed to them by their teachers? As Asian parents lack intellectual interest, they don't care what they kids believe as long as they 'succeed' and gain 'status'.

Since success and privilege matter most to Korean-Americans, they will whore out to the Narrative of noble US as leader of free world defending damsel in distress South from the Big Bad Wolf of the North. Korean-Americans in universities and government trot this BS line to win position and place to show off their status when, in fact, they are nothing but collaborationist whores of globalism. Unlike Jewish intellectuals who showed some guts and chutzpah in forging a Narrative that challenged that of the Wasps, Korean-Americans, like all Asian-Americans, just learn by rote the Narrative taught to them by the ruling institutions.
These Asian-Americans may flatter themselves are 'free thinkers' because they are 'progressive', but the pissant clowns are blind to the fact that PC shuts many more doors of inquiry than opens them. Besides, the main priority of most Asian-American 'progressives' is to spread 'gay marriage' in Asia so that they will win doggy approval from their Western peers. Your average Korean-American 'progressive' is too busy condemning South Korea for not being pro-gay and pro-diversity enough to realize that such are essentially globalist tools of neo-imperialism to weaken every nation.

Since US has a specific goal for South Korea and since Korean-Americans are just status-seeking whores and dogs, they will not play the role of speaker of truth to power. Korean-American parents would be awful proud to see their kids graduate from West Point. They don't care if US wages war on North Korea over some bogus issue and make Korean-Americans in the military kill other Koreans.
Now, suppose US were to come under control by Palestinian-Americans who make Israel out to be the worst rogue nation on Earth. And suppose these warmongering Palestinian elites cook up excuses to wage war on Israel. How many Jewish-Americans would gladly kill fellow Jews in the name of 'human rights' and punishing 'rogue' Israel? Not many. But these uncle tom Koreans will do anything to seek approval from whomever they consider to be superior.

Now, is North Korea a 'rogue' nation? No. It is a pitiful nation ruled by a vile regime. But what is rogue about it? Yes, it has engaged in terrorism and various criminal enterprises, but then, so have Saudi Arabia and Israel and Nigeria. Why don't US call them rogue nations? There are tons of illegal activity coming out of Israel. North Korea specializes in US current counterfeiting, but Israel is tops in many organized criminal activities all around the world, including white slavery.
Also, what nation has North Korea attacked? It only tried to unite with the South in the Korean War, but this was no different than any divided nation trying tore unite. It isn't an invasion when you try to unite your nation. Yes, Kim was a bad guy and Stalinism sucks, but there was nothing wrong in one bunch of Koreans trying to unite with another bunch. What other nations did North Korea try to invade? Iran too has been a peaceful nation, but it is categorized as 'rogue'. In contrast, US supported Iraq's attack on Iran and even its use of poison gas in the 1980s. US also cooked up lies and destroyed one nation after another in the Middle East. And it increased tensions to dangerous levels in Europe over Russia when the Cold War is long over. So, even if North Korea is a vile nation -- yes it is -- , it hasn't posed any threat to the world whereas the US has been a curse around the world since the end of the Cold War. While the vile Kim regime should be torn to pieces by dogs and its people for its tyrannical ways, North Korea's place in the world has been downright sober and responsible compared to that of the US that is controlled by vile and vicious Zionists who will sacrifice any number of gentiles to further their tribal interests.

Seriously, is North Korea a threat to China, Russia, Japan, or the US? It is maybe a threat to South Korea, but then, if South Korea still cannot defend itself from the impoverished north with 1/40th its economy and less than 1/2 its population, it deserves to be invaded. What a bunch of cowards.How much richer do South Koreans have to be in order to defend themselves from a starving peasant economy? And if South Korea is really under such threat. why are all these lousy Koreans moving to America while expecting American boys to do the dying for them? Not a single American should give his life for these lowlife cowards and wussies.

True, North Korea acts belligerent in 'gangsta' manner. It goes for huff-and-puff antics. Part of it is for domestic propaganda purposes, the myth that North Korea is a great power. It's all clown-act, nothing to take seriously. But there are real reasons why North Korea needs nuclear weapons, and it is because US is a truly a rogue nation that will cook up any lies to destroy anything to appease the Zionists. It was the US, under Neocon pressure, that undid and unraveled all possible rapprochement between US and North Korea. Zionists hate the fact that North might trade nuclear secrets with Arab or Muslim nations. Never mind Israel's own huge arsenal. Jews will say Israel deserves to defend itself because it is a democracy. Okay, Israel is a much better place for Jews than North Korea is for North Koreans, but the moral dynamics are far more complicated. Israel is a much nicer place --- even for Arabs there --- , but Israel was founded through ethnic cleansing and imperialism whereas North Koreans are just natives living on their own land. They stole nothing from no one, and their one big 'crime' was trying to unite the nation once again --- the same dream held by leaders of the south. So, from a historical viewpoint, Israel is worse than North Korea because even though Israel is democratic and more humane as a political system, it was founded by taking land from another people and, furthermore, still continues to occupy them. North Korea, as miserable as it is, only rules over its own territory and own people. And there is no indication that North Korea has aims on any other nation. I mean seriously, is North gonna invade China, Russia, or Japan? If it could, it would take the South, but the North is now in defensive mode. It talks big and tough out of fear, especially after the US cooked up total nonsense to destroy one nation after another at the behest of Zionists and the military industrial complex.
And why do Jews care so much about North Korea? Because they care so much about human rights and the plight of the poor? Really? These same Zionists who said it was worth it to allow 500,000 Iraqi children to die of malnutrition? These same Zionists who turn a blind eye to massacres in Gaza? These same Zionists who work with Saudis to fund and aid Jihadis who've turned entire areas of Syria into hell on earth? These same Zionists who raped Russia and left millions of destitute Russians to die of cold and sickness? These same Zionists who work with neo-Nazis in Ukraine to tear that nation apart?
No, the ONLY reason why Zionists are interested in North Korea is because they don't want it share technology with nations disliked by Israel. According to Zionist supremacists, ONLY Israel has the right to have WMD to defend itself. Other nations should be defenseless and be easy pickings IF the Zionist-controlled US decides to give thumbs down to them.

Also, as rotten as the North Korean regime and statist-run economy are, the reason for dire economics of North Korea cannot be blamed on N. Korea alone. It's the sanctions. If South Korea were hit with the same sanctions, it would suffer greatly also despite having a market economy. If Israel were hit with the same kinds of sanctions --- for Nakba or nuclear weapons or Occupation or any number of reasons --- , it too would lead to mass poverty and starvation.

Now, what has been the main reason for the sanctions? North Korea has a nuclear program and may have nukes. Well, if that is so bad, why not go after Israel? And why shouldn't North Korea have nukes when the US invaded and destroyed nations without nukes? If Poles in 1939 could have had nukes, it should have. Imagine Hitler complaining that Poles should get rid of them so Germans could invade more easily.

US foreign policy has demonstrated itself to be rogue and criminal after the Cold War. It is sick, demented, and criminal. While Kim regime is vile and nutty --- like Gaddafi --- , any regime wants to survive at the very least. And given US actions and the worthlessness of US promises, it is totally rational for North Korea to have nukes and as many of them as possible. And given all the innocent North Korean civilians that the US killed in the war without ever acknowledging this great crime, the US has no right to start another war and kill more people there. That would rather be like Germans killing more Jews and Japanese killing more Chinese in Nanking.
The only reason for having war with North Korea is IF North Korea attacks first. Now, the only place North might attack is the South, but the North knows this is not doable. For one thing, the South is too advanced and has much better military arsenal. Also, neither Russia or China will side with the North if the North were to attack. They will join the international community in condemning North Korea. Thus isolated, the North will be able to sustain the war for just a few weeks. And then, it will be defeated and wiped off the map.

So, it is time to drop the charade about the Northern Threat. It is time to see North trash-talking for what it is: braggadocio of a clown.

What can be done is to call for end of hostilities at the official level. End all sanctions. Let North develop its own economy in its own way and develop closer ties with the South and then gradually work towards reunification. And let US troops move out of the South, and let Koreans fix their own problems and finally grow up than remain children clinging to Uncle Sam.

But for this to happen, we need a New Narrative based on the truth. Now, given that the North is ruled by repressive regime, we can't expect much truth from them.
But as US, South Korea, and Korean-Americans have sufficient freedom to speak the truth, they need to go back to the historical origins of how the Division came about. US need not apologize but merely acknowledge that its policy led to a undeserved 'punishment' of a nation that had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor. If anything, Japan should have been divided like Germany after WWII.
But then, there are those in the US who don't want a united Korea because it means US might have to leave the peninsula, its only military beachhead on the Asian continent. Also, US values South Korea as its hard-working, slavish, blow-jobbing whore. A united Korea might stop acting like such a total dog and whore and work on nationalism than 'gay rights' and 'diversity' to develop a united nation. US globalists seek a borderless world and that means turning South Korea into Puerto Rico.

As long as US has the moral upperhand over South Koreans and Korean-Americans --- who are shameless globalist whores and quislings --- , US interests(currently dominated by vicious Zionists) will dominate Korean affairs.
The current Narrative morally favors America as a generous and selfless defender of helpless South Koreans from the rabid North Korean wolf. South Korea is little red-riding-hood who needs US as the hunter against the evil wolf North Korea.

But in fact, US interests since end of the Cold War have been detrimental to Korea.

It is natural that Korea eventually return to the Chinese orbit. That's been the case for 1000s of yrs. US entered the scene because of power vacuum caused by one crisis after another and then the Cold War. US has to eventually move out of the Pacific Asia. It is only right, as the Pacific West isn't controlled by the Chinese or Japanese military. Why should Asian Pacific be forever the lake of US armed forces?
Now, Koreans surely got a lot out of the 20th century because they were torn from the Chinese orbit. As China has become stagnant and rotten, Korea had more to gain from Japanese rule in the first half of 20th century. And in the second half, there was an interesting political experiment of two Koreans under two different systems, with history proving the Anglo-capitalist-democratic system to be superior(as long as it manages to remain free of the claws of globalist Zionists who have ruined the American experiment).
But China modernized and turning into great power once again, it is time for smaller Asian nations to grow closer to China, and US should respect this, and phase out a withdrawal in stead of keeping playing these ridiculous pivot games that only increase tensions.

US has a great future with trade with Latin America(though immigration should be strictly controlled). Indeed, all of North America and South America can prosper greatly all on their own without Asia, Europe, and Africa if they do things right. US should not waste resources on endless Wars for Israel, some dumb 'new cold war' with Russia, and whatever, mostly to appease the sick supremacism of Zionist globalists. Thankfully, there is a vocal Jewish community developing in its criticism of the total bankruptcy of the Zionists who've turned both political parties of dung-heaps.

In a fantasy scenario, if the idiot child Kim of North Korea could swallow a truth-and-integrity pill, he could speak the truth and work toward a saner future.
Imagine if this clown stopped acting da gangsta like Gaddafi and talked soberly about the problems between North and the US. Suppose he were to appear before a foreign press and calmly express why his nation needs nukes because US has been a rogue state. Imagine if he could accept the fact that North Korea is the product of US foreign policy, and that fact should be acknowledged in new relations between US and Korea.
People would listen around the world and show some sympathy. But fat-boy is an intellectual zero, spent his time in Europe stuffing his mouth with cheese and stuffing his ears with Michael Jackson. He thinks like a celebrity and wants to play gansta. Great irony of fat Kim is that he is so impossible because he swallowed too much vain Western Pop culture.
Korean parenting surely sucks. If it's not the Nut Rage, it's the Kimpossible.

Let the stupid Koreans go their own way finally, and American can focus on building ties between North and South America for the New World Future.

I think, at this point, the bulk of the blame must go to the US.

Why? Consider the three sovereign powers that have some influence on the Koreas: China, the US, and Russia. (Japan is a major economic power but has no political independence as it is a whore of the US. )

What is China’s position on the Koreas? It is willing to deal with both North and South. It is not opposed to peace between the two Koreas and eventual reunification. China doesn’t favor North against the South. It would be happy to see the Korean problem resolved.

What is Russia’s position on the Koreas? Russia, as core of USSR, once held great sway over North Korea. After all, Stalin installed the Kim regime. But Russia’s view is that Cold War is long over. It has no direct interest in the Koreas. It is happy to deal with both North and South. It will gladly do business with both and not meddle in their internal affairs. Like China, Russia has peaceful relations with both North and South, and it doesn’t care if North and South were to embark upon peaceful means of reunification.

In contrast, what is America’s position on the Koreas?

It refuses to deal with the North. It keeps on making BS demands on the North even though no sane government should trust the US that has a long record of destabilizing and destroying other nations since the end of the Cold War. US has been the main nation-wrecker around the world. US has done this with sanctions, ‘color revolutions’, subversion, aiding Jihadis with air campaign(as in Libya and Syria), and outright invasions. And the driving force behind the US agenda has been Zionist supremacism. Whatever enriches and ensures greater Jewish power counts as ‘American Interest’. Whatever threatens Jewish supremacy is seen as against ‘Western Values’. Jews get away with this rot because they control the Media and Academic Narrative in the West.

Neither North Korea nor South Korea has anything to fear from Russia or China. Russia only wants diplomatic relations and business with the two Koreas. China has a closer relation with North, but it actually does far more business with the South.
If China-South Korea relations have been strained in recent years, it is due to US provocation of North Korea as pretext to plant more missiles in South Korea, ostensibly to defend South from North but really meant to target China.
Of course, US knows this will sour relations between China and S. Korea, but that is precisely what it wants. And S. Korea knows this will upset China, and S. Korea doesn’t want to go along with this, but it has to do so since it is the whore-dog-puppet of the US. Thus, the US drives a wedge between S. Korea(its whore) and China by provoking tensions between the South and North.

Let’s be realistic. North is ruled by a rotten regime, but it is no threat to anyone. The North throws tantrums because it is a cornered animal. It is the US that insists on more joint War Exercises with the South. These ‘exercises’ are openly promoted as practice-runs of how US and South will invade the North. Why wouldn’t the North not panic and throw fits? In some ways, the US is all too happy that North has a nuke project because that can be invoked to justify US hostilities in the peninsula forever, just like Jews always bitch about Iran’s nuclear plan — even though Israel has all the nukes and violates all international nuclear inspection agreements — to justify more interventions and provocations in the Middle East. That way, South is pressured to go along with US with these ‘training exercises’ that threaten the North. The North freaks out and makes belligerent noises. And then, the US invokes to North ‘craziness’ to scare-monger the world that Mad Kim is building the Doomsday Machine to blow up the world. This is 007 fantasy nonsense.

Zionists control US foreign policy, and these sociopaths couldn’t care less about gentiles in Russia, China, Korea, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, and etc. Since the US is the Pawnshop Jewel of Jewish power — like India was the Crown Jewel of the British Empire — , Jews use American Power to manipulate and mess up global affairs any which way to further their own tribal interests.

In a perfect world, no nation would have nukes. And especially a nation ruled by shi*s like North Korea shouldn’t have nukes. But every regime wants to survive, and nothing is more rational than North Korea’s nuclear program since the US has destroyed so many nations without proper WMDs to defend themselves. Indeed, when the US wants to destroy a nation, it accuses the nation of having fantasy WMD’s to destroy it. Iraq. Or, even when a nation gives up its WMD’s, as Libya did, the US will cook up fantasy ‘atrocities’ to destroy that nation. The US isn’t ruled by Americans, most of whom are decent folks who mean harm to no one. It isn’t ruled by average Jews, who also mean no harm to anyone. It is ruled by Jewish Globalist Elites who are the New Nazis. They are mean, nasty, vicious, and vile. They are cold-blooded like Madeline Albright who yawns at 500,000 dead Iraqi kids. They denounce ‘white supremacism’ but use their power to force all US politicians to shout Hail Zionism at AIPAC Nuremberg Rallies. After all, supremacism cannot tolerate other ‘supremacism’. According to Jewish logic, the mere desire of a white European nation to preserve its race, culture, and territory is ‘far right’, ‘supremacist’, and ‘hateful’. But these very whites are forced to shout Hail Israel as a Jewish state.

Anyway, China has peace with both North and South. Indeed, its relations would be even better with both if US stopped provoking the North. China provokes neither North or South. It wants a peaceful resolution.
Russia has peace with both North and South. Russia doesn’t tell either nation what to do. It respects their own agendas.

But the US? By allowing the South to get rich, the US owns that nation as its chic whore. The US is also culturally imperialist. Russia doesn’t force Russian values on Korea. China doesn’t force Chinese values on Korea. But America is, of course, the ‘exceptional’ and ‘indispensable’ nation, the nation that is more ‘evolved’ and superior because it has massive homo parades and has Bruce Caitlyn Jenner wee wee in a lady’s room. Because the US is so superior because it worships homos and came up with ghetto trash rap music, it has the right to push its icons, idols, and ‘values’ onto other nations, be they South Korea, Vietnam, Turkey, Russia(bad bad nation according to Jews because it doesn’t allow homos to take over Red Square), Iran, Syria, and etc.
US dream of a better Iran is a nation where girls over there dress and act like Lena Dunham and Miley Cyrus, where Iranian men invite black ‘bulls’ to hump their wives in their own bedrooms, and where Iranian children wave homo flags instead of reading the Koran.

According to the US, the Zionists have a right to oppress and occupy Palestinians because… uh… Zionists have ‘gay pride’ parades whereas Palestinians don’t.
Since Koreans have proven themselves to be most loyal, slavish, and servile, the US doesn’t want to lose its whore-and-military-puppet-foothold in the Asian continent.
Koreans are, by nature, a dog-like people. Under Japanese, they were loyal collaborator-puppets of the Nipponese Empire. Under Soviet rule, Koreans in Russia were the most loyal dogs of the Soviet system. No wonder Russia valued Koreans over other minorities. Koreans worked hard and served the system most slavishly.
And under American Empire, Koreans were the most loyal mass-killers of Vietnamese in the War. Koreans work hard, have some talent(look at their economy), and follow orders(since they lack original thinking and independence of mind). So, the US doesn’t want to lose this dog.

Of course, the US has other dogs too, but Koreans are special dogs. Saudis are US dogs too, but Saudis still have some independence. Saudis play along with US foreign policy, but Saudis have pride of culture and heritage as preserver of Mecca and the holy land of Muhammad. So, even though Saudis go along with the US, it has a cultural, spiritual, and moral sovereignty that is independent of Americanism. This has been problematic to the US. Saudi foreign policy runs both parallel and counter to US interests. Saudis will work with the US to weaken or destroy common enemies — usually Shia-dominant nations or secular-modern-Arab nations — , but this can come to bite the US in the ass, as happened on 9/11 when the very Jidadis that US had once funded and used(with the help of Saudis) turned on the US.

In contrast, South Korea has no culture or value system of its own. Whatever it once had seems to have been long forgotten. What is Korean Culture today? Christianity adopted from American Missionaries? Imitation Rap Music? Plastic Surgery to look like Japanese cartoon characters? K-pop that apes hip hop and techo-whore dance music? And growing homomania and worship of Diversity because South Koreans think the US is the model for everything that Koreans must follow.

Saudis play along with the US, but they have a sense of culture and heritage independent of the American Way. In contrast, South Koreans believe their culture has no validity except to imitate whatever happens to be the Current Year in America. Sadly, Japan is going the same way. This is what consumer-globalism does to all nations. Turns them into mindless commodities.

North Korean threat has to be the biggest hype in the world.
But then, the US tried to turn the Georgian molehill into a mountain to antagonize and vilify Russia.
And then, the US turned a mini-crisis in Ukraine into a major crisis to antagonize Russia even further, leading to a series of events that led to Hillary the monster threatening ‘new cold war’ and even war with Russia.

Without US hype, what is North Korea? It is a has-been nation with a ruined economy. It has nukes only to defend itself from the US as a neo-imperialist power. It no longer has China and Russia as sponsors of its ideology. China wants to do business with the whole world. Last thing it wants is war nearby. Russia renounced communism and Stalinism. It has better relations with the South than North.
So, why all the tension? The US is controlled by hyperventilating Jews. But then, these Jews are so nuts that they said Trump is ‘literally Hitler’. They say Trump voters are ‘deplorable white supremacists’. But then, these very Jews who denounce ‘white supremacism’ demand that whites better support Jewish nationalism in Israel and praise Jews to high heaven and even pass laws attacking free speech that is critical of Jewish power and abuses.

North Korean regime is vile, but we have to be realistic. North Korea is a very poor and weak country. And must of its bluster is defensive. It’s like a pufferfish that blows up to look much bigger because it doesn’t want to be swallowed.

This US provocation has three reasons.

1. Keep Korea divided and use South Korea against China.

2. Vilify homogeneous/nationalist North and persuade the South that it has much more to gain with Diversity and race-mixing. After all, if North is into homogeneity and nationalism, it must mean those things lead to failure. But, in fact, didn’t South Korea achieve economic development as a nationalist and homogeneous nation? If race-mixing does wonders, Philippines and Indonesia would have higher per capitas.

3. Strangle North economically so that it won’t be able to do business with Muslim nations hated by Israel as Zionist want Nuclear Supremacism for Israel only. Jews are strange this way. No people rhetorically denounce supremacism as much as Jews do, but then, no people practice their own tribal supremacism as much as Jews do.

Now, the US will continue doing what it is doing because it has no concern for the Koreas, which is just a piece on a chessboard. It is up to the Koreans to have enough sense and courage to wake up and speak truth to globo-US-imperialist power, but then, these Korean dogs only know how to take orders.

PS. Here’s a conspiracy theory which I don’t believe in ‘just saying’ mode.

Maybe it may have some validity as a ‘subconspiracy theory’, meaning the people who came up with the plan didn’t consciously plan it that way but were subconsciously feeling something along those lines. The mind works weird.

There is a pattern in the American attempt to divide China, Korea, and Vietnam.
Why were those three East Asian nations targeted for division?

During WWII, why didn’t the US plan to use Chinese troops to fight the Japanese? China had tons of manpower but not enough weapons. By the beginning of 1945, Japan was crushed at sea and things were bad at home. Japanese troops in China were cut off from supplies and just barely hanging on.

As China had no shortage of troops, US could have equipped masses of Chinese and trained them for basic warfare and threw them at the Japanese. Then, Japanese could have been defeated in China without Soviet entry.
Why did America not consider this? Did the US fear a rise of a united and victorious China?

The only part of the world that could threaten Western world power was in East Asia. Not Africa, not Middle East, not Latin America. Japan, a small nation with limited resources, proved how fast and how much it could rise. So, if China were to emerge victorious in WWII as a united power, what would happen? Rise of yellow peril that may be more threatening that the rise of Japan. After all, China is much bigger than Japan. Indeed, if China had modernized like Japan, and if China had fought the US, it might not have lost the war.

So, instead of helping the KMT to achieve victory against the Japanese, why not allow Soviets to enter from the North and effectively hand over control of Northern China to Mao and the communists. Meanwhile, the southern half would be controlled by Chiang and KMT. That way, China would not one massive united power but a divided nation, like a big version of divided Korea and later divided Vietnam.

According to his conspiracy theory, the US wanted a permanently divided China, with Communists ruling the upper half and Nationalists ruling the lower half. China would remain weaker that way.

Later, US decided to divide another East Asian nation, Vietnam.

In neither China, Korea, or Vietnam did the US try to help their allies unify the nation.
US only tried to maintain the division.
US support of KMT was lukewarm and confused. And US gave no indication that it wanted to help South Korea take North Korea and unify. And US position in Vietnam was defensive. To keep the nation divided than help the South take over the north.
McCarthur did try to unify Korea once the war happened, but that was his whim that Truman’s policy.

As it happened, China and Vietnam did manage to unify. Korea didn’t.

Brits also played on Hindu and Muslim divide in India to weaken the power of the natives.

And in the US, the Jewish elites play on ‘red state’ and ‘blue state’ divide to make sure that one bunch of whites hate another bunch of whites, thus less able to unify against Jewish-globalist domination.

If you fear the emergence of a great power or threat, try to keep it divided.

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